Our 20th annual HEAT Kids Triathlon will take place on Saturday, August 9, 2025 at 7am.
There are two race divisions. Juniors: ages 6-10 and Seniors: ages 11-15. The 6-10 year olds will swim a 50 yard pool swim, bike 2 miles, and run 1 mile. The 11-15 years olds will swim a 100 yard pool swim, bike 4 miles, and run 2 miles.
Starts and finishes at the Sumner County YMCA (102 Bluegrass Commons Blvd in Hendersonville, TN). The Swim will be in their outdoor 25 yard pool. The Bike route winds through nearby residential neighborhood. The Run route for 6-10 is through the Hendersonville First Baptist Church parking lot, 11-15 runs through nearby residential neighborhood. Race routes are well staffed with experienced volunteers to keep athletes safe.
Registration price increases after June 22, 2025 at 11:59pm CDT
Please join us for our Jon Hall Training Clinic (date TBD) at the Sumner County YMCA. This is a FREE training clinic open to kids 6-15. We’ll swim, bike, run, and learn how to move from one sport to another during the race. We’ll talk about what you need to bring on race day, what to wear, and how to make sure everything is ready to go for your best race ever! HEAT Triathletes will be on hand to answer questions and lead your child through the same course he/she will be racing on race day.
For more information, please contact our race director Sean Torr at heatkidstriathlon@gmail.com.